Oh hey there, welcome! ('v')/
Apologies for the mess, I'm still attempting to make this place look half decent -.-
I hope that you enjoy your stay here though!

btw, if you're on mobile, I'd recommend changing to a desktop bc I do not ensure your ease of enjoyment on this site, sorry!

about the site! <3

This site was created nearly two months ago as I write this, and it's still incredibly barren... but I'm working on it!
I'm not very good at coding so don't expect much but I'll try my best ^-^
I'm not really an artist, unless you consider writing art, so I don't really have much to put here other than an about page, my rantings about various pieces of media I like and possibly a blog (the latter two will hopefully be added in the near future). I do occasionally write stuff and so that maaay find a home here.

That's about it I believe, Enjoy your stay here have make sure to have a fantastic day! :D

blinkie that reads 'Trans rights!' in old timey font with a crow to the left blinkie that reads 'this user is trains' with the trans flag in the background blinkie that reads 'lesbian flag' with the lesbian flag in the background blinkie that reads 'kinda gay tbh...' with the lgbt flag in the background blinkie that reads: 'ANTI-TERF PRO-TRANS', with a pink heart on either side of the text blinkie that reads: 'I have social anxiety' and 'yeah' in a speech bubble. blinkie that reads: 'vampire wannabe' featuring vampire fangs dripping blood to the right self-promo blinkie for a tumblr account that reads 'eeveeistired' blinkie that reads 'all i drink is milk tea' with a pink flower on either side blinkie that reads 'This user loves fall' with fall leaves and a broom on either side blinkie that reads 'prommy?' with puppy-eyed emojies on either side blinkie stylized as construction tape that reads 'always under construction' blinkie with two pink emojies facing each other that have a heart between them that reads 'me and who?' with a blushing emoticon blinkie that reads '*~mwah!!~*' with red lipstick lips on either side blinkie that reads 'The City <3' with a flicking nighttime city skyline on either side blinkie that reads 'Merry spooktober' with a black cat and haunted house on either side blinkie that reads 'time is the enemy' with a spinning clock on the right blinkie that reads 'I love my computer <3' with a pink 2000s pc on the right blinkie featuring a flying saucer with the text 'totally not an alien

Oh, this is Molly! My pet watermelon slice! Keep good care of her while I'm gone, 'kay?

Last updated: 19 Feb 2024
Page created: 5 Oct 2023
Site created: 19 Sep 2023